“I was blown away by the power and grace of the one-hour ‘Sound Journey’ session, facilitated by Valerie Sanjali Irons and Daniel Posney, at the Sedona Creative Life Center. To me, they co-created with a variety of traditional musical instruments – among them crystal bowls, gongs, bells and drums – sacred healing and renewal for the participants sitting or reclining on mats and under blankets in the Center’s darkened Great Room. The duo totally delivered alchemical-sound purification that accurately reflected their promise to us, ‘Sink deep into the now, letting go of the past, embracing what is, to allow for what will be.’ I was mesmerized by their musical performance from the stage, and as they walked among us to focus their instruments’ sounds into each individual’s core being. Valerie and Daniel were superb in coordinating and harmonizing their series of similar instruments, and gently ‘dancing’ around the room. For me, they manifested the most amazing cosmic sound-waves immersion I have ever enjoyed.”
– Larry Rosenberg, PhD, CEO, The Larry Show, Sedona, AZ